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Laura McCullough

The very ground: Japan

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3fUqdGXLbM&feature=player_embedded It’s less than 48 hours after the earthquake, tsunami, and now the nuclear power plants’ integrity loss, two of them. It’s Saturday morning here on the East Coast of the U.S. Two of my children will attend birthday parties today, a third will go to a St. Paddy’s Day event, another will work out, [...]

The neutral zone

In an effort to move the conversation forward: Closed • Borders • Open: The Neutral Zone, Symposium on Sexuality, Class, Race, Gender, and Otherness in Poetry PROPOSAL to fellow poets and writers and CALL for PARTNERS During and following AWP 011, a number of issues regarding race and gender issues particularly in poetry ignited discussion [...]

Antinomy, the great ladder of inferences, and the burning

Antinomy is when two or more things held to be true can’t possibly be true if the other “truths” are so. In o ther words, the incongruous, the paradoxical. Kant was big on antinomy, and though I am not a Kant scholar, his thinking about space and time is a good example: he used logic [...]

Post AWP Buzz: Dunn and Hoagland and Rankine

The end of AWP (Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference) is always charged, and certain events stand out: two that did this year are, first, The Stephen Dunn Tribute (disclaimer: I ran it) with over 400 in attendance and rousing panel presentations by BJ Ward, Kurt Brown, Kathy Graber, Peter Murphy, Andrea Budy, and myself, [...]